General terms and conditions


Head office : Street Vanderkindere 238, 1180 Uccle

Email address :

VAT number : BE0671.455.378

Art.1 - Object

The present general conditions of sale have for object to define, exclusively because of the relations which they establish on the Internet network, the rights and obligations of the parts born from the on-line sale of the products proposed on the site.

The present general conditions of sale have for object to define, exclusively because of the relations which they establish on the Internet network, the rights and obligations of the parts born from the on-line sale of the products proposed on the site.

The acquisition of a good or a service through the present site implies an acceptance without reserve by the buyer of the present conditions of sale.

The sale is concluded in French.

Art.2 - Products/Prices 

  1. Products : the products offered for sale by the seller are those that appear on the site, on the day of consultation by the user, within the limits of available stocks.

    Each product is accompanied by a description established by the supplier.

    The photographs in the catalog are as accurate as possible but cannot ensure a perfect similarity with the product offered, especially with regard to the colors that differ depending on the resolution of the screen, and the size that may vary by the millimeter.  These products and services are offered within the limits of available stocks.  If, despite its efforts, all or part of the articles are unavailable, the seller informs the buyer by email as soon as possible and offers him the possibility of choosing between waiting or cancelling the order of the unavailable articles without charge.  The available articles will be delivered normally.
  2.  Prices: the prices are indicated in Euros, and valid in all countries of the Euro zone. They take into account possible reductions as well as the VAT, applicable to the day of the order.  The prices applicable to the order are those in force at the time of the confirmation of this one.
  3. The shipping costs are displayed during the order confirmation.

Art. 3 – Registration and validation of the order :

The buyer, who wishes to buy a product or a service must :

–          Fill in the identification form with all the requested information or give his customer number if he has one ;

–          Fill in the online order form giving all the references of the chosen products or services;

–          Validate his order after having checked it;

–          Make the payment in accordance with the conditions provided ;

–          Confirm your order and payment.

The confirmation of the order implies acceptance of these conditions of sale, the recognition of having perfect knowledge of them and the renunciation to take advantage of its own conditions of purchase or other conditions.

All the data provided and the recorded confirmation will be worth proof of the transaction.  The confirmation will be worth signature and acceptance of the operations carried out.

The seller will communicate by e-mail confirmation of the registered order.

Art. 4 – Delivery :

For all available items, the delivery time is 4 calendar days (working days) maximum from the day following the validation of the order by the buyer.

The products ordered by the buyer will be delivered to the address indicated on the buyer's order form, which can only be in the agreed geographical area.  The goods are transported at the seller's risk until the goods are delivered to the delivery address specified by the buyer.  From that moment on, the buyer bears the sole risk.  Delivery times are given as an indication only; if they exceed thirty days from the order, the sales contract may be terminated and the buyer reimbursed.

Art. 5 – Right of withdrawal :

The consumer has a period of fourteen calendar days to return at his expense the product(s) he ordered, without penalty and without giving any reason. This period runs from the day after the day of delivery of the order.  For goods that are subject to successive deliveries, the withdrawal period begins the day after the first delivery.

This right of withdrawal does not apply to the professional buyer.

If the above-mentioned conditions are met, the buyer will be reimbursed, within fourteen calendar days of the withdrawal, the sums he has, if any, paid in payment.

The buyer does not have a right of withdrawal for contracts for the supply of goods made to the specifications of the buyer or clearly personalized or which because of their nature can not be returned or are likely to deteriorate or expire quickly, or in case of supply of audio or video recordings or computer software unsealed by the buyer, or in case of supply of newspapers, periodicals and magazines.


(Please complete, copy and paste and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract) —

Attention [insert company name, geographic address and, where available, fax number and e-mail address]


— I/We (*) hereby notify you (*) of my/our (*) withdrawal from the contract for the sale of the following goods (*)/services (*)


— Ordered on (*)/received on


— Name of consumer(s)


— Address of consumer(s)


— Date …………………………………………………………………………………………………

— Signature of consumer(s) (only if notifying this form on paper)


Art. 6 – Payment : 

Any order implies a contribution to the shipping costs mentioned in art. 2. Only the payments proposed by the Mollie platform are accepted as payment methods.

The ordered articles remain our exclusive property until full payment of the order by the buyer.

Art. 7 – Warranty :

The buyer must keep the delivery note. If an item does not suit him, the buyer has a period of 14 days to return the goods, as long as they are in the same condition as when they were sent. The buyer is entitled to the legal warranty for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery of his article, if he did not know or was not supposed to know the defect at the time of the conclusion of the contract and if it appears within a period of two years from the delivery.  In this case, the buyer can demand either the repair of his article or its replacement and, if none of these solutions is possible, either an adequate reduction of the price or the resolution of the contract, under the conditions provided for by the law (articles 1649 bis and following of the Civil Code). In order to do so, the buyer shall notify the seller in writing within two months at the latest from the day he noticed the defect. If the defect appears within six months of delivery, it is in principle up to the seller to prove that it did not exist at the time of delivery.  After the two-year period has expired, the buyer may no longer demand the repair or replacement of his article. The costs of preparation and dispatch of the order, as well as the administration costs, remain due in the event that the purchaser asserts his right to return all or part of his order.

Art. 8 – Protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data :

The personal information collected in the context of distance selling is mandatory, as this information is necessary for the processing and delivery of orders as well as for the preparation of invoices. This information is strictly confidential. The lack of information implies the automatic rejection of the order.  The buyer can at any time have access to these data and ask for their rectification, by sending a letter or an e-mail with a photocopy of both sides of his identity card. Additional information concerning the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data can be obtained from the Commission for the Protection of Privacy, rue Haute 139 B, 1000 Brussels.

For more information, please refer to our data protection and cookies policy.

Art.9 – Intellectual Property :

All the elements of the site of the salesman are and remain the intellectual and exclusive property of this one.

No one is authorized to reproduce, exploit, rebroadcast, or use for any purpose whatsoever, even partially, elements of the site whether they are software, visual or audio.

Any simple link or hypertext link is strictly prohibited without the express prior written consent of the seller.

Art.10 - Various : 

  1.       Force Majeure: the seller will not be responsible for the total or partial non-performance of its obligations under this contract, if this non-performance is caused by an event constituting force majeure, including the presence of computer viruses, in case of disruption or total or partial strike including postal services and transport and / or communications, flood, fire, ...

    Events meeting the criteria set by jurisprudence will be considered as force majeure.
  2.       Partial invalidity: If one or more clauses of these general terms and conditions of sale are held to be invalid or declared as such in application of a law, a regulation or following a final decision of a competent court, all other clauses will remain valid.
  3.      Entirety of the contract: the present general conditions of sale and the summary of the order transmitted to the purchaser form a contractual whole and constitute the whole of the contractual relations occurred between the parts. In case of contradiction between these documents, the general conditions of sale will prevail.
  4.        Applicable law - Competent jurisdictions: the present general sales conditions and the contractual relations between the seller and the buyer are subject to Belgian law. In the event of a dispute, only the courts of the judicial district of the seller's registered office shall have jurisdiction, except in the case of binding public order provisions.

    Any order of a product proposed on the site implies the consultation and the express acceptance of the present general conditions of sale.